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Innovative technologies and solutions for the management of mastitis in dairy cattle farms: diagnostic aspects and optimization of the use of the drug


TAG: agrifood – dairy cow – mastitis – early detection - genetic resistance – food security – environmental sustainability – economic sustainability –milk microbiological quality –animal welfare – innovative solutions – enhancement of dairy production – quality traceability

The research activity is part of the activities coordinated by the TECH4MILK Platform who engages a wide spectrum of the Piemonte dairy production chain in order to enhance its sustainability from primary production to processing, to computerize certification and traceability, to improve animal welfare, to drive new technologies for by-product reuse, to perform new information systems for consumers, to promote monitoring protocols and enhance competitiveness on the internal and external markets for the Piemonte dairy products, and to provide additional value which is not simply economic but also social and environmental. Livestock production chain is the target of attack due to an expensive environmental impact and some concern about animal welfare. TECH4MILK Platform arises from the need to provide a scientific, methodological, and technological response to these criticisms based on identification and dissemination of new successful solutions

The project tackles the problem with a highly innovative approach according to some specific objectives:

  • development of management models designed to increase resistance to mastitis (environment management and genomic selection);
  • improving the efficiency of diagnosis through the development of new approaches to the use of somatic cells, the validation of early markers of infection and the identification of pathogens and genes related to resistance;
  • reduction and optimization of the use of the drug through the development of protocols for strain identification;
  • determination of residues in milk;
  • evaluation of the impact of treatments on the milk microbiota and microbiome.

  • “TECH4MILK - Tecnologie e soluzioni innovative al servizio della filiera latte piemontese per promuoverne la competitività e la sostenibilità.” Regione Piemonte, Fondo Europeo Sviluppo Regionale - Programma Operativo Regionale “Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione” F.E.S.R. 2014/2020 e F.S.E. 2014/2020 (bando)

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Last update: 15/12/2021 10:31
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