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EAEVE certification/accreditation

The EAEVE, which was founded in 1988 and is registered with the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), is the European official body responsible for accrediting establishments involved in the delivery of veterinary degree courses. EAEVE’s main goal is to harmonise study programs of veterinary degree courses. In doing so, it assesses their consistency with the so-called Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provided for at the European level, while complying with quality assurance requirements. Today’s reference SOP is included in the document approved in Zagreb in 2019.

Monitoring and harmonisation procedures of veterinary degree courses are implemented through the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT), which is managed by EAEVE together with the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE).

In order for the accreditation status to be granted, degree courses must provide a periodical self-evaluation report, commonly referred to as SER, which is submitted to a Committee for evaluation purposes. After that, the Committee will perform an on-site visitation lasting 5 days.

Once the Committee has reached an agreement, the following status may be awarded: ACCREDITATION, CONDITIONAL ACCREDITATION or NO ACCREDITATION, prior approval by the ECOVE – the European Committee of Veterinary Education responsible for the harmonisation of evaluations performed by the various Committees, and entrusted with the power to modify the Committees’ final judgments.

The accreditation status remains valid for 7 years and may be renewed by requiring for a new visitation to take place. In the three years following the ESEVT’s assessment, a mid-term monitoring report concerning performance indicators must be issued (Interim Report).

In 2002, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was recognized as conforming to EAEVE standards. In November 2010, the Degree Course was visited again by the EAEVE Committee, obtaining a Full Approval status (Self-Evaluation Report - Final Report).

In autumn 2021 the Department of Veterinary Sciences was again evaluated by an EAEVE Commission according to the standards of the European System of Veterinary Education Training (ESEVT SOP 2019). The commission verified that the Course of Studies in Veterinary Medicine guarantees professional preparation in line with the respective European directives and with the requirements and guidelines for Quality Assurance in higher education (ESG) and in December 2021 accreditation of the course of study was officially formalized by ECOVE:

Last update: 13/06/2024 16:23
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