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Quality Policy

Following European Directives nos. 36/2005 CE and 55/2013 UE, the Italian legislation (Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004, Law no. 240 of 20 of December 2010, Legislative Decree no. 19 of 27 January 2012, Ministerial Decree no. 1059 of 23 December 2013, Ministerial Decree no. 47 of 30 January 2013 and Ministerial Decree no. 987 of 12 December 2016), the Standard Operating Procedure of the European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training (ESEVT SOP 2019), the provisions established by the AVA/MIUR system (especially the new provisions AVA3) and the procedures for the award of ISO 9001 certification, the Department of Veterinary Sciences (DVS) has identified Quality Policy as a tool to express and communicate, in an informal and succinct manner, general objectives and guidelines of the training facility in terms of training and teaching quality. Information contained therein is in line with the European standards and guidelines established by the Quality Assurance Higher Education (ENQA), the body responsible for Internal Quality assurance in higher education institutions. The objective is to further enhance the level of satisfaction and trust by parties interested in the delivery of training and orientation services.

The DVS sets out medium to long term objectives that are in line with the organization’s goals and the interests of parties involved, including means to be used to achieve such objectives (guidelines). It underatkes to implement such guidelines and pursue continuous improvement, while respecting the reference values and rules of conduct defined by the Codice di comportamento dell’Università degli Studi di Torino” (Rectoral Decree no. 646/2016)  and the “Codice etico della comunità universitaria” (Rectoral Decree no. 3890/2012).

The Department's commitment to develop and implement a Quality management System, in accordance with requirements laid down in the SO 9001:2015 international standard, involves meeting the following objectives and strategies:

  • Adoption of a client-oriented approach, which involves catering for and understanding specific needs (and their fulfilment), while ensuring a coordinated and balanced distribution of theoretical studies, exercises and traineeship activities. This shall guarantee that graduates are able to effectively meet the needs of the labor market;
  • Definition and promotion of internal/external communication processes so as to ensure parties involved participate in activities through the exchange of information and their active involvement, engaging in a constructive dialogue and continued collaboration. To ensure full and complete transparency of information shared with clients, the department undertakes to regularly publish updated, impartial and objective information, quantitatively and qualitatively, on degree courses and educational qualifications;
  • Planning, development and delivery of services, while contributing to innovation and improvement of the quality of training services. This shall ensure that needs of stakeholders (students, teachers, technical-administrative staff, companies) are met and educational contents and traineeship activities adapted to the demands of both interested parties and the market labor;
  • Control and monitoring of processes and activities regarding the implementation of services offered through more refined monitoring and assessment systems thanks to a risk-based thinking approach with a formal mechanism for the approval, periodical evaluation and monitoring of degree courses and qualifications awarded.
  • Ongoing improvement of services offered, which may be achieved through a decision-making process based on data gathered, outcome assessment and corrective actions to implement, while ensuring the degree course remains attractive from an international perspective.

The DVS undertakes to provide a clear description of expected learning outcomes, as well as to ensure that teachers are ready, willing and able to provide teaching and support so that students can achieve their learning outcomes.

The Quality Policy involves the entire organization, orienting it towards the definition of the goals to be reached and the organization of resources to be used for their achievement.

Quality Policy outcomes are a useful tool to strengthen internal procedures and to promote the DVS as an excellent center for advanced veterinary training.

Certificate of registration

Last update: 31/07/2024 12:29
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